Honor vets by voting on Tuesday

Published 9:43 pm Monday, November 6, 2017

To the editor:

Every couple of years in Virginia there are two monumental days that take place early in November. One of them, Veterans Day, occurs every year, and most of us take a moment to say thank you to the veterans in our families and in our community.

Many will say, “Thank you for your service” when we meet a veteran. For many veterans, it makes them feel uneasy to be thanked for doing what, to them, was simply their duty.

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Unfortunately, saying, “Thank you for your service” has even become an empty, politically correct platitude in some circles. Instead, let your actions speak louder than your words.

The other monumental event that will happen this week is the general election in Virginia. Every veteran swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, and the reason that many served was to secure the blessings of liberty for those who did not or could not enjoy them.

One of our greatest blessings in this country is the privilege to vote. If you want to honor a veteran this week, do your research and vote your conscience, but don’t wait until Saturday to thank them for their service.

Cast your ballot Tuesday. Then, when you see a veteran this week, tell them that you voted, and thank them for securing your freedom to do it.

P.A. Gist
