Police reports for Nov. 21

Published 6:38 pm Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The following information comes directly from the City of Suffolk Department of Media and Community Relations. It should be noted that a criminal charge is only an accusation and does not indicate a conviction has or will be attained nor that the party listed in the arrest report is guilty of the crime listed.

November 21


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City report of property damage, Hall Avenue

Larceny – shoplifting, North Main Street

Grand larceny, Kings Fork Road

Destruction of property, Freeney Avenue

Industrial accident, Armstead Road

Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories, Childress Street

Identity theft, Waters Edge Lane

Animal bite, Pruden Boulevard

Larceny – shoplifting, North Main Street

Vandalism of public property, South Links Circle

Credit card/ATM fraud, Burning Tree Lane

Hit and run, Moore Avenue

Runaway juvenile, Chestnut Street

Annoying phone calls, Jackson Street

Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories, White Marsh Road

Possession of marijuana, North Main Street

Possession of marijuana, North James Drive

Identity theft, Burbage Acres Drive


Cameron Brenner Query, 20, contempt of court (M)

Alan Fitzgerald Rodgers, 34, possession of a controlled substance (F)

George Lee Reid, 21, possession of marijuana (M)

Dylan Keith Butler, 22, possession of marijuana (M)

M – Misdemeanor

F – Felony