Student success seminar planned

Published 9:55 pm Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Suffolk Public Schools plans to tackle mental health related issues with an upcoming seminar hosted at King’s Fork Middle School.

The seminar, “Strategies for Student Success: Dealing with Anxiety, Sensitivities and Social Struggles,” is being hosted by the division’s Gifted Advisory Board, according to a press release. Parents are welcome to join the free community event at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 5 at the school, 350 Kings Fork Road.

“This is a community seminar sponsored by the Gifted Advisory Board, a group of parents, teachers and administrators that discuss issues and assist in the development of the gifted education plan,” said Maria Lawson-Davenport, advanced instruction supervisor for the school district.

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Dr. Nicole Kreiser, child and adolescent psychologist of Eastern Virginia Medical School, and Monica Williams, a Suffolk Public Schools social worker, will be presenting information on topics such as perfectionism, fear of failure, the impact of sensory sensitivities and coping with social struggles.

“Parents on this board asked for a seminar on these topics because they have seen an increase in these characteristics and behaviors in students recently,” Lawson-Davenport said. “They felt that having a professional come in and discuss the causes and strategies would be helpful.”

Along with having a child psychologist and social worker present, the parents will be given resources available to them through the school district as well as through other entities.

The event is free to parents and their children, but parents should use their best judgment on whether or not to bring their child. Some of the provided material may be too advanced for elementary aged students, Lawson-Davenport said.