Self-defense skills important

Published 5:32 pm Saturday, March 10, 2018

Ideally, a world where women do not need to defend themselves against attackers will one day exist. But until then, self-defense is an important skill for women to know.

That’s why several community partners, including Cross Realty, Southern Bank, State Farm and the Suffolk News-Herald, as well as the Suffolk Family YMCA and the Suffolk Sheriff’s Office, partnered recently to offer a self-defense course to women at the YMCA.

The class was held at the Y but open to non-members as well as to members. The Sheriff’s Office taught two sessions of the class on March 7 at no charge.

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The classes filled quickly and generated a waiting list for the next time the class is offered, indicating there is a demand for this kind of training.

The women were taught and practiced getting out of a chokehold, freeing themselves from being yanked by the arm and more. They also learned to be on the alert and do what they can to prevent an attack in the first place — for example, traveling in a large group.

The fact remains that the onus should not be on women to ensure they don’t get attacked. It simply should not happen, and the fact that women feel they must constantly adjust their lifestyles to avoid becoming a victim is unacceptable.

However, for those women who want to fight back against those who would do them harm, the recently offered class and others like it are vital. We appreciate the YMCA, the Suffolk Sheriff’s Office and the other sponsors for stepping up and making this happen.