About ‘Kids deserve a voice’

Published 10:32 pm Tuesday, March 27, 2018

To the editor:

Referencing “Kids deserve a voice,” March 22 Opinion page: While it is important for young adults to feel as if they have a voice, the focus here should be more on taking the time to teach these children to be productive members of society once they leave the classroom setting.

Locally, middle- and high-school-aged children were allowed to walk out of class as some form of movement. The argument of Congress not doing anything about gun safety was given a rebuttal by having the children literally walk out of class to do nothing.

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Teach these young adults to be outstanding citizens. I do not oppose a march on their own time; however, the school system can be doing more. Instead of allowing a “walk out,” have classwork on writing letters to Congress. The Bible says, “Teach them his decrees and instructions, and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave.” (Exodus 18:20)

We, as an entire body of people, need to be teaching these young adults how to rise above the evil, promote and spread love and help those who are struggling. While a march can be a powerful movement, how much more powerful can raising a sound and BOLD mind be?

Our priorities are shifting, and we need to go back to the foundation. Stop this evil before it starts, and it won’t matter what weapon is available. The weapon of boldness is mightier than any sword.

Brittney Vandiford
