The season of transition

Published 9:53 pm Friday, April 13, 2018

By QuaWanna Bannarbie

‘Tis the season for transitions. April showers bring more than just flowers. As the season changes from the winter cold, it presents a window to take advantage. Flowering plants present favorability of pollinating insects that visit maturing vegetation. Other common evolutions are apparent also. Spring is considered to be the best time to apply if you are seeking new employment. Graduation announcements are awakening parents to the reality that children are leaving the nest. Spring cleaning has resulted in a newly manicured landscape, garage and closet spaces. Change is a birthing place for opportunity.

New developments bring new opportunities.

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In case you have been hiding under a rock and have not noticed the new developments happening under your nose, I invite you to take a ride down Godwin Boulevard. From the moment you exit Route 58 and stop at the light on Route 10/Route 32, then turn right, the scenery along Godwin looks nothing like it did just three short months ago. And if the ride along Godwin is not evidence enough of this transitional season in Suffolk, stop into Food Lion grocery store located at 2815 Godwin Blvd., and you will hardly recognize the place. I could be wrong, but I related the fresh makeover of the local marketplace to the pending arrival of its Delhaize sister-store, Kroger. Food Lion is clearly taking advantage of the coming change.

Here we have an example of what we could call “redeeming the time.” Change can be challenging. Change can be frustrating. Change can be scary. Change can be unwanted. In the cycle of life, change and chance can be partners. You just have to be willing to take the opportunity. Many times, when evidence of change is pending, an opportunity is present.

America has been labeled “the land of opportunity” as it relates to the tapestry of immigrant stories. Residents who have come to this country to start anew refer to the U.S.A. as the place where dreams come true. But you do not have to be an immigrant to understand.

I was speaking with a worker at the Home Depot on Thursday evening as he loaded cement pavers in my van. He shared with me his past employment in the masonry business. He talked about how he had labored in that industry for 10 or so years before he set out to start his own landscaping business. He made a statement, in his story, that struck me. He smiled and said, “all it is you’re just making something out of mud.” His words immediately caused me to reflect on the developing life of human beings. According to the Genesis story in the Bible, our Heavenly Father reached down and made something out of mud; a man, Adam. When I thought in terms of Adam’s beginning and our lives, in God’s hands, I can relate to the proud mason’s words. God is still making something out of mud. I am, you are, we are the land of opportunity.

Our lives are a continual progression of history in the making. Our bodies represent nations of people in the testimony that is His story. Throughout the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, we are encouraged never to waste the time given to us. Each day you awake you have less and less time to possess, to make good on the hours presented to you. Galatians 6:10 says, “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” The admonishment signifies that we always have opportunities. It does not have to relate to a new job, a new school, a freshly cleaned closet or a changed grocery store. You have the opportunity in your living among your fellow man and your community to do good.

Doing good is the most transformational, landscape-altering power we have on nature.

Opportunity is knocking. How will you answer? Make the most of it. Tomorrow is Sunday.

QuaWanna Bannarbie is an adjunct professor of Nonprofit Leadership and Management with Indiana Wesleyan University, National and Global. Her children attend Suffolk Public Schools. Connect with her via Twitter @QNikki_Notes.