25-year time capsule buried

Published 9:10 pm Thursday, May 3, 2018

A soldier, ninja, basketball player, doctor and scientist are some of the answers given by ForKids kids when they were asked what they wanted to be in 25 years.

ForKids installed a time capsule in at its new Suffolk location at 119 W. Constance Road earlier this week, and the capsule isn’t to be opened until 2043, 25 years from now. The kids played a significant role in the ceremony.

Thaler McCormick, chief executive officer of ForKids, stood alongside George Birdsong, ForKids Suffolk Campaign Chair, and Chris Brandt, vice president of Hourigan Construction, to announce all 10 items that were placed inside the time capsule.

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Each of the 10 items has a symbolic meaning for not only ForKids but also for the city.

One of the biggest sentimental contributions came from the 14 kids that attended the event. All 14 stood in front of ForKids staff and told them what they wanted to be in 25 years and read personal acrostic poems. Their poems were all added to the capsule.

The time capsule also included the house numbers from the first ForKids house in Suffolk, 400 Finney Ave., as a way to remember the last 10 years ForKids has been in Suffolk.

The capsule was stuffed with other mementos that showed the progress ForKids has made in the community. A bag featured articles from the Suffolk News-Herald and an edition from the day the capsule was installed.

Most of the other items were symbolic of ForKids mission and purpose. A Beanie Baby bear was added to represent of the gift of comfort. The bear was accompanied by a hygiene kit, symbolizing a clean start, and a house key, symbolizing the goal of putting families in a permanent home.

McCormick was happy to have the time capsule put in, but it gave her a chance to reflect on the last 25 years of ForKids.

“It’s amazing how fast time goes,” McCormick said. “It’s spectacular that in 25 years we are going to be able to mark this moment. The time has flown by, and our services have really transformed.”

Both McCormick and Birdsong received surprises at the event. Birdsong was honored in the time capsule by having a package of Birdsong Peanuts added to the box. The peanuts not only show the importance of the Birdsong family to Suffolk but also recognize Birdsong’s tireless work for the Suffolk campaign.

Both McCormick and Birdsong received gifts from Hourigan that reminded them of the demolition kick-off. McCormick received a shadow box contaiing the saw blade she used, and Birdsong received the sledgehammer he used for the demolition.

Construction is still under way at the new site, but a July move-in date is anticipated.