Golf tournament to raise for Relay

Published 9:58 pm Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Employees at the J.M. Smucker Co. in Suffolk will be putting on their seventh golf tournament to raise money for Relay for Life Suffolk.

The Caffeine Commandos Golf Tournament will be held at the Nansemond River Golf Club on May 25, which occurs the week right after Relay. Relay for Life continues to raise money in the current fundraising year until the fall.

“Cancer is near and dear to the employees here at Smuckers,” said Shane Newberry, engineering manager at Smuckers. “A lot of our employees know someone or lost family members and friends to cancer.”

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This event raises a significant amount of money for the cause and in years past has brought in as much as $8,000 to $9,000, but it always depends on the level of sponsorships from vendors.

Last year, the group donated $7,442 to Relay for Life.

While the group normally sees some of the same sponsors every year, Newberry is always looking for new vendors to get involved with the event.

Plaza Azteca is a new local sponsor for the tournament, and they have donated gift cards for the raffle.

The event will feature not only a round of golf but also contests for everyone to participate in, like the longest drive contest, longest putt contest and others before the golfing starts.

Everyone will get to go home with something, because there will be goodie bags available with golf balls, tees and snacks inside, and they will also receive a departing bag from Smuckers with Smuckers items.

Most years, the event has roughly 70 to 80 participants, but Newberry hopes the event will grow and have more than 100 participants.

Registration is still open for participants, and walk-ons will be welcome if space allows. Registration for an individual is $110, and a group of four can register for $440.

For more information, contact Shane Newberry at 538-5653 or email at

Relay for Life will be in just over a week from 6 p.m. to midnight on May 18 at Nansemond River High School. Currently, Relay has raised $57,504 of their $150,000 goal. Donations are still accepted after the Relay event.