Symposium brings many benefits

Published 10:01 pm Thursday, May 31, 2018

The second annual Opioid Epidemic Symposium set for this month in Franklin is a great way to help educate soon-to-be nurses and educate the community at the same time.

Paul D. Camp Community College’s Nursing Class of 2019 will host the program, and they have put a lot of work into organizing it and choosing a film and guest speakers.

They have chosen the documentary “Chasing the Dragon: The Life of an Opiate Addict.” They have invited guest speakers including a recovering addict, the father of a Suffolk native who lost her life to opioid addiction, and government officials who are working on the issue.

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The nurses-in-training could have chosen any number of important topics in the health care field on which to focus. However, their chosen focus is especially timely, as it seems the problem of opioid addiction is getting worse and worse.

This program will educate the public on this critical issue. The young nurses will also get an education not only on opioid addiction but also on the best ways to bring public attention to health care issues in general.

We think it is great next year’s nursing class at Paul D. Camp Community College is hosting this opioid symposium. There’s no better time for future nurses to start getting involved in the prevention aspect of health care even as they learn about how to treat medical problems.

We hope the college continues to encourage this and similar events as it molds the workforce of the next generation.

The symposium will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. June 28 at the Workforce Development Center, 100 N. College Drive, Franklin. Resources will be available for Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous.