Perseid Paddle this Saturday

Published 8:43 pm Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The best meteor shower of the year is happening this weekend and there’s still space for people to paddle out for a fantastic view at the Hoffler Creek Wildlife Preserve this Saturday.

The Perseid Meteor Shower Paddle will be held this Saturday evening at the preserve located at 4510 Twin Pines Road. Executive Director James Bussey IV said there were still a dozen spots left for registration as of Tuesday.

The Perseids appear around this time each year when Earth passes through pieces of debris left in the wake of the ancient comet Swift-Tuttle, according to a CBS News report. The ideal days for viewing this peak shower are between Saturday and Monday.

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Dr. Bill Cooke of NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office told CBS News that spectators will have a better view this year thanks to the moon setting early each night this weekend.

“We won’t have any moon messing it up,” he said in the report.

Spectators at Hoffler Creek can either rent a kayak or bring their own for a registration discount, Bussey said. Paddlers will launch onto Lake Ballard as a group led by experienced guides and staff at 11 p.m.

After enjoying the spectacle in the serene calm of the lake, participants will head back to headquarters for late-night pizza, s’mores and cold beverages.

Registration will be $30 for members of the Hoffler Creek Wildlife Preserve Foundation and $45 for non-members. Advance registration is required and participants must be at least 18 years old. Call 686-8684 for registration and other information.