Police reports for Sept. 28-30
Published 10:36 pm Monday, October 1, 2018
The following information comes directly from the City of Suffolk Department of Media and Community Relations. It should be noted that a criminal charge is only an accusation and does not indicate a conviction has or will be attained nor that the party listed in the arrest report is guilty of the crime listed.
September 28
Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories, Brook Avenue
Simple domestic assault, Pughsville Road
Theft from motor vehicle, Strata Court
Theft from motor vehicle, Gunston Drive
Tampering with vehicle, Strata Court
Tampering with vehicle, Hillpoint Boulevard
Tampering with vehicle, Hillpoint Boulevard
Vandalism of public property, Kings Highway
Destruction of property, Ashcrest Court
Petit larceny, Nansemond Parkway
Petit larceny, East Constance Road
Tampering with vehicle, Centerbrooke Lane
Tampering with vehicle, Boynton Place
Simple assault, Camellia Drive
Hit and run, Route 58/Godwin Boulevard
Identity theft, Stoney Ridge Avenue
Petit larceny, White Marsh Road
Harassment by computer, Wilroy Road
Motor vehicle theft, Whaleyville Boulevard
Simple domestic assault, Chestnut Street
Elude police, West Washington Street
Drugs, distribute, prescription, Nansemond Parkway
Runaway juvenile, Pughsville Road
Possession of marijuana, Nansemond Parkway
Larceny, shoplifting, College Drive
Non-reportable offenses, Planters Drive
Larceny, shoplifting, North Main Street
Simple assault, North Main Street
Petit larceny, North Main Street
Non-reportable offenses, Chestnut Street
Petit larceny, North Main Street
Non-reportable offenses, Godwin Boulevard
Larceny, shoplifting, Hampton Roads Parkway
Larceny, shoplifting, Carolina Road
Non-reportable offenses, Driver Station Way
Thomas Clayton Stewart, 75, leash law violation (M)
Joseph William Stills, 20, failure to appear on misdemeanor charge (M)
Tanisha Armstrong, 25, revocation of suspended sentence (F)
Randy L. Suiter, 59, sexual battery (M)
Desi Oscar Williams, 25, revocation of suspended sentence (F)
Steven Donnell Green, 18, break and enter with intent to commit larceny (F)
John David Halmrast, 46, possession of marijuana (M)
Shacona Karlea Bey, 40, possession of marijuana (M)
Diego J. Curatolo, 21, trespassing (M)
Jasmine Symone Hopkins, 21, trespassing (M)
September 29
Possession of marijuana, Jackson Road
Possession of marijuana, East Constance Road/Myrtle Street
Defrauding innkeeper, Lake View Parkway
Brandishing a firearm, Mineral Spring Road
Simple domestic assault, Mineral Spring Road
Simple domestic assault, Chestnut Street
Simple assault, Obici Industrial Boulevard
Traffic hazard, West Washington Street
Traffic hazard, West Washington/North Saratoga streets
Undetermined death, Harbour View Boulevard
Non-reportable offenses, North Main Street
Fraud, film-flam, Burbage Lake Circle
Simple domestic assault, Battery Avenue
Destruction of property, South Tenth Street
Hit and run, North Saratoga Street
Larceny, shoplifting, North Main Street
Larceny, shoplifting, North Main Street
Fugitive, out of state, Godwin Boulevard
Discharge firearm in public, South Broad Street
Forcible sodomy, location withheld
Animal bite, South Links Circle
Possession of marijuana, North Main Street
Assault police officer, Portsmouth Boulevard/Chesapeake City Line
Teron Lavelle Bell, 31, possession of marijuana (M)
Savannah Dawin Randolph, 28, assault and battery of family member (M)
Christopher Toron Wilson, assault and battery of family member (M)
Tristan Levonn Mason, 28, revocation of suspended sentence (F)
Isaiah Avalon Green, 22, destruction of property, monument less than $1,000 (M)
Aquala Rashonda Freeman, 21, assault and battery of family member (M)
Jonathan Moran George, 27, petit larceny (M)
Sharif Rasheed Barrett, 20, possession of marijuana (M)
Leola Pope Evans, 59, resisting arrest, obstructing justice without threats or force (M)
Lagina Lynn Wetli, 35, revocation of suspended sentence (M)
William Arthur Hall, 46, contempt of court (M)
Quamesha Alonzay Bowden, 18, assault and battery (M)
September 30
Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories, Bosley Avenue
Lost property, Litton Lane
Hit and run, Route 164/College Drive
Injured person, Godwin Boulevard
Non-reportable offenses, South Quay Road
Driving under the influence of alcohol, Carolina Road
Possession with intent to distribute other controlled substance, Cullodan Street
Destruction of property, North Sixth Street
Lost or stolen, University Boulevard
Petit larceny, Godwin Boulevard
Larceny, shoplifting, College Drive
Simple domestic assault, Providence Road
Undetermined death, North Nansemond Drive
Grand larceny, Godwin Boulevard
Natural death, Gates Road
Simple domestic assault, Sierra Drive
Recovered stolen auto, Sawtooth Drive
Petit larceny, Nancy Drive
Simple domestic assault, Porterfield Lane
Dominic Raseem Burke, 28, DUI, third or subsequent offense (F)
Bobby Charles Evans, 61, assault and battery of police officer or firefighter (F)
Leaundra Che’mere Johnson, 27, sale, distribute marijuana greater than half ounce, less than or equal to 5 pounds (F)
Raheem Sawyer Madison, 29, driving under the influence of alcohol (M)
Ronald James Hilchey, 45, driving under the influence of alcohol (M)
Brandon Coy Parrish, 37, assault and battery of family member (M)
M – Misdemeanor
F – Felony