Police reports for Oct 17

Published 8:37 pm Thursday, October 18, 2018

The following information comes directly from the City of Suffolk Department of Media and Community Relations. It should be noted that a criminal charge is only an accusation and does not indicate a conviction has or will be attained nor that the party listed in the arrest report is guilty of the crime listed.

October 17


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Hit and run, East Washington Street

Petit larceny, Santoro Place

Larceny, shoplifting, Portsmouth Boulevard

Petit larceny, Santoro Place

Identity theft, Bridge Road

Drug/equipment violations, Pughsville Road

Credit card/ATM fraud, Reids Ferry Road

Runaway juvenile, Wellons Street

Breaking and entering, residential, Jolly Lane

Petit larceny, Nottingham Boulevard

Larceny, from coin operated machine or device, West Washington Street

Hit and run, Centerbrooke Lane

Trespassing, Desert Road

Petit larceny, East Washington Street

Simple assault, Bennetts Creek Park Road

Simple assault, East Washington Street

Motor vehicle theft, Virginia Avenue

Possess prescription drugs, Prospect Road


Chuck Terrell Eley, 43, grand larceny, $500 or more not from person (F)

Keyetta Beatrice Williams, 40, contempt of court (M)

Kevin Christopher Reilly, 36, trespassing (M)

Pierre Dorsey Harris, 34, burglary at night to commit felony (F)

Latourey Leonard Urquhart, 40, contempt of court (M)

Djean Ahmad Brown, 21, trespassing, entering property of another for the purpose (M)

Jesse Elijah Werts, 20, trespassing, entering property of another for the purpose (M)

Angela Baucom Miller, 50, livestock running at large (M)

Na’quan Marquis Hoggard, 26, contempt of court (M)

M – Misdemeanor

F – Felony