Woman publishes book on rejection

Published 9:07 pm Monday, December 3, 2018

Brenda Parrish recently published a book about rejection and how to overcome rejection with God’s word.

Parrish has spent her life in ministry and has been a minister for the last 21 years. Her book, “From Rejection to Promotion: Man’s Rejected is God’s Selected,” was written from her own experience as well as what she has learned from talking to people over the years.

“It starts my life as a 6-year-old and continues in my life story until my adult life. It includes nuggets from the word of God,” Parrish said. “I have personally logged time and met up with a lot of people who have dealt with it or are dealing with it.”

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Her motivation to write the book was largely rooted in her faith.

“I felt the Lord wanted to use me and my life story and show how the Lord delivered me from it and elevated me to a position to help others,” Parrish said.

Writing has been a part of Parrish’s life for quite some time, but this book is her first published work. She has written poems and plays during her years in the church, including her own book of poems, but none of those works has been published.

Her current book was published through a local publisher in Windsor, HP Music and Arts.

Though she has been writing for some time, the book took her quite some time to complete due to her busy schedule.

“I’m really busy, and I have a lot going on. I have full-time work, I pastor and I travel,” Parrish said. “I had the book completed two years ago, but I did not publish because I was just waiting for the right timing and the right publisher.”

“In the beginning of the year, it was just time to just get it done. I found them and worked with them and we got it done.”

More than likely, this won’t be Parrish’s last book.

“I already have some things going on in my mind, and I’m going to work on those things,” Parrish said. “I feel like writing is a calling for me.”

Parrish’s books are currently for sale via her email at parrishbrendat@yahoo.com. The books are $15.

She is currently working on getting them in Barnes and Noble and on Amazon.