Eclipse residents commended

Published 8:41 pm Monday, March 4, 2019

To the editor:

I commend the residents living in the Crittenden and Eclipse communities for stepping up to preserve their heritage.

Within the last five years, there has been a huge spike in the development and building of residential communities all throughout the city of Suffolk. This growth is good for bringing people and revenue to the city, but it also erodes the fabric of this city’s rich heritage, the original grit and hard work that this city was built upon.

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The city of Suffolk has a history that dates back to the Civil War and as mentioned in the editorial titled, “Eclipse recognition deserved” (March 1), “waterman founded this village and plied the local waterways for their living.” Their story must be told to the future generations.

I cannot express my gratitude to the residents, for the mindset to safeguard the historical jewels in Suffolk. With the inclusion of these communities on the National Register of Historic Places, many of the buildings, churches and nostalgic structures will have a fighting chance against the robust housing market sweeping through the city. Through their efforts we will have these timeless treasures to pass on for many generations to come. History will still remain our greatest teacher.

Lakeisha Bienaime
