Please take our survey
Published 9:27 pm Friday, April 19, 2019
The Suffolk News-Herald is fortunate to have a community of readers who often tell us what we’re doing right as well as what we’ve done wrong or need to improve.
We are extraordinarily thankful for those of you who read in print or online regularly, helping us reach a print readership of 30,000 daily and a monthly total of more than 300,000 pageviews.
You — all of you who live, work, worship or play in Suffolk — are the reason we do what we do, aiming to provide you the best possible news about your friends and neighbors, your government, your child’s school and more. We bring the bad news and the good news. While we know it’s impossible to please everyone, our goal is to do everything right 100 percent of the time. We have failed in that regard, but we like to think we get it right more often than not.
In an attempt to get feedback on how we’re doing, we have recently embarked on a reader survey that is the first in recent memory. We’d like to ask you to tell us what you think about the News-Herald, how often you read, what you read, what you’d like to see more of or less of and how we’re doing in the areas that are most important to you in your community newspaper.
Your survey responses will help us fulfill our mission to serve our community with integrity, to report the news that affects the people of our community fairly and accurately, to serve as a forum where public opinion is valued and shared and to take an active role in helping Suffolk grow and prosper.
And it might win you a bit of extra cash, too. There will be a random drawing for three $50 gift cards after the survey ends at the end of the month.
The survey is located at
If you have any questions or comments about the survey or about the Suffolk News-Herald in general, please call 934-9609 or email