A thank you for generosity

Published 10:24 pm Thursday, September 12, 2019

To the editor:

Please allow me to say “thank you” to Roy’s and Ricky’s Catering for their absolute generosity.

Several weeks ago, James Hamlin and Brenda Conner, representing all of Roy’s and Ricky’s staff, carried a meal to the Eastern Shore in order to bless some 300 migrant workers.

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Patiently and meticulously, James, Brenda and their assistants personally served each of the migrant workers with smiles, encouragements and hearts full of love. As the farm workers filed through the dinner line, these volunteers filled their bulging plates with barbecue, fried chicken, tacos, beans, rolls, éclair and cakes.

The smiles and gratitude displayed by the migrant workers touched our hearts. As the workers descended from their buses after a long day picking tomatoes, they saw Roy’s and Ricky’s Catering vans beside four tables filled with food. Their achy bones sprang to life as the men and women ran across the camp to stand in the food line. Although a language barrier prevented us from understanding much of what was said, the workers’ smiles, nods and bows revealed the universal languages of acceptance, thanksgiving, unity and love.

Ricky and Brenda Conner, owners of Roy’s and Ricky’s Catering, blessed these farm workers out of the goodness of their hearts. As we often experience, they share their gifts with others, and our neighborhoods are richer, more robust places because of them.

On the Eastern Shore, they simply volunteered to work from their strengths and offer what they had in order to touch lives, to be good neighbors, and to reveal God’s love in tangible ways. Their sacrifice reveals to each of us that God equips us uniquely to serve Him in our own ways. Under God’s guidance, our gifts and services work in unison to enlighten and transform the community in beautiful ways.

I am so thankful for Ricky, Brenda, James and the rest of their staff for the impact they continually make in our lives. To the many other unsung heroes who constantly go above and beyond to enrich our lives, we are perpetually thankful for you and your service within this wonderful city. May each of us continue to act as a blessing to others in our own unique ways.

I know Roy’s and Ricky’s Catering has been an integral support to Suffolk’s citizens for many years whether at reunions, funerals, weddings or around our common tables. They have helped feed us — physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We are so grateful for you, Ricky, Brenda, James and staff. Thank you for being yourselves and for being used by God. For the rest of us, may we take the time to stop by their store on Holland Road to say thank you for their service to and compassion for our neighbors.

Rev. Dr. Matthew L. Winters
Pastor, Bethlehem Christian Church