Vote for better sex education

Published 11:14 pm Thursday, October 10, 2019

To the editor:

Instead of criminalizing women and doctors and ignoring the role that men play the way state anti-abortion laws from Republican majorities have done, why can’t we all work together to prevent unwanted pregnancies?

This November, there are three candidates that believe this is possible. Herb Jones running for State Senate in the 3rd district, Becky Raveson in the 14th and Michele Joyce running for delegate in the 64th propose that what has gone under the moniker of “Sex Education” be relabeled and taught in terms of the ramifications of early (and often unwanted) pregnancies.

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Instructing students on the personal, economic and societal costs would result in fewer abortions as well as open up educational and economic possibilities for these young women.

Their approach is to unite, not divide, to work together across the aisle to achieve the best outcomes for the citizens of Virginia. Vote Democratic on Nov. 5!

Joe Puglisi
