Gordon’s approach refreshing

Published 10:42 pm Tuesday, October 22, 2019

To the editor:

The Oct. 17 edition of the Suffolk News-Herald reported on the vision of the new school superintendent, Dr. John B. Gordon.

It was reported that he is concerned by the achievement gap between African American students and white students. All students in the public schools need to be learning. It is a ticket to a successful future, and all should seek and achieve the knowledge for that.

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Dr. Gordon states he wants to know why there is a gap and how to close it.

It is refreshing to see an educational professional publicly acknowledge the issue and commit to closing it. All students are entitled to a quality education. I suspect to solve the problem will take parental involvement at an early age and skillful teaching. I look forward to hearing Dr. Gordon’s approach and success in closing that gap.

I congratulate the Suffolk School Board for finding a superintendent willing to publicly address the issue and commit to closing it.

John Newhard
