Hoping Gordon’s leadership inspires

Published 11:13 pm Friday, November 1, 2019

To the editor:

Remarks upon the article by Jimmy LaRoue, “Superintendent hears concerns at second forum” published on Oct. 27.

In my opinion, I found Dr. John B. Gordon’s intentions of creating a more productive and diverse learning environment for the students here in Suffolk. It is a blessing to have staff that are onboard to lead the new generation of students to become very successful while in school. It is a great feeling to have when there is someone who truly cares about the school systems and how they should operate. With that being said, I am sure all of parents and students are pleased to have you here in Suffolk, Dr. Gordon.

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As Dr. Gordon stated, “we’re working on some things to incentivize our teachers,” did he mention anything in particular? If Dr. Gordon is looking forward to hiring alumni when the time comes, what subjects are in need for hire? What different specializations and skills could help determine a job with the school?

Referring back to having more parents involved within the schools. I totally agree with Dr. Gordon’s statement. As being a recent graduate of the class of 2019, my school never really had parents involved with school activities or any major PTA organizations. I could say that my school attempted to host PTA meetings, but they drastically failed because of a lack of parental involvement with the school. I agree that parents should be more involved with their child’s school and the school’s parental organizations.

If the community could make parents more involved in their school’s organizations, parents could also host fundraisers alongside students’ fundraisers to help aid their school with supplies that are needed for the classrooms. Parents could communicate with one another to produce ideas that will help them stay interactive with their child’s teacher and administrators.

I hope in the near future that Dr. John B. Gordon’s plan for leadership will aspire the community to inspire parents to become more involved in their child’s school. Hopefully, it will result in an equal amount of participation of southern parents as to the participation of parents being involved in the northern city schools.

Christian Branch
