District photography contest announced

Published 9:54 pm Monday, November 11, 2019

By Rep. A. Donald McEachin

Our congressional district is uniquely beautiful with its rural, suburban and urban sections. From the Chesapeake Bay to the James River rapids running through Richmond, we have special, eye-catching vistas. Our communities are diverse, made stronger by the contributions of immigrants, Native Americans and longtime Virginians.

With these qualities in mind, we are hosting a photography contest to showcase this district and the wonderful people in it. Constituents may enter the contest by emailing their high-quality photos to VA04.projects@mail.house.gov by Dec. 1. Please include your name and locality of residence. Photos must be submitted by the original photographer. By submitting your photo, you authorize our office to display your photo online and/or in our Washington, D.C., Richmond and Suffolk offices and waive whatever rights you may have in the photo. Any photo of a minor must be submitted by a parent/guardian of the minor, who agrees by submitting the photo to the same conditions in the previous sentence. Submitting a photo does not guarantee that it will be published. I’m really looking forward to seeing all the incredible photos. Winning entries will be hung in both district offices, Richmond and Suffolk.

Email newsletter signup

We are very pleased to have more than 100 students who have signed up for our elementary school EcoHeroes program. With our young people taking the lead, with their efforts and their passion, we can make progress in improving our environment and ensuring clean air and water.

I have been so impressed with the eagerness and enthusiasm of the EcoHeroes participants, all excited to fulfill the tasks and to even do more. Whether it’s collecting litter or other significant activities, they know that small steps can make a difference. I’d also particularly like to thank teachers who encouraged participation and signed up students.

Last month, we lost a great leader with the passing of Congressman Elijah Cummings. Before I even arrived in Congress, as a member of the General Assembly, I admired Congressman Cummings. He spoke truth to power and lived his life as a beacon of honesty and honor. Whether it was calming frustrated Baltimore residents who were rightly despondent about the death of Freddie Gray or defending his city against disparaging and dishonest statements, Congressman Cummings spoke the truth, trying to bring peaceful and fair resolution while elevating those around him. He was a man of remarkable dignity and integrity.

For me, as a new Congressman, Mr. Cummings was an inspiration and mentor, his daily actions and words reminding me why we are here, always trying to make the world a better place and urging America to live up to its ideals.

I will miss him dearly and I know all of us will miss his powerful voice and his dedication to a better America.

Just a friendly reminder — If you have an issue or problem with a federal agency, my office is happy to help. Just go to my website, mceachin.house.gov, to get started. We are also happy to record your opinion on any news topic of the day.

Congressman A. Donald McEachin represents the Fourth District of Virginia in the U.S. House of Representatives. Contact him at mceachin.house.gov.