Time for a parade

Published 10:13 pm Wednesday, December 11, 2019

When you think about it, parades are really getting back to our roots — back when there were no motorized vehicles on the streets and that was where people walked.

According to www.historyofthings.com, parades have their roots in military and politics. Parades are a dramatic way to showcase the might of military power a nation has and possibly to intimidate, as well, as can be seen in the old footage of marching Nazi troops being saluted by Adolf Hitler.

More happily, parades later crossed over into the religious realm, with parades becoming a way to connect with the community. And it was after that that parades generally became a way to celebrate just about any holiday or occasion you can think of, many still rooted in the military or centered around religious holidays but many others celebrating things like — well, like Peanut Fest.

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We happen to love a good parade, and while some negative folks might think there are too many parades in Suffolk, we think the ones downtown — which number a whopping two throughout the year — are just the ticket to having a bit of fun.

We’re hoping the rain stops early for the Christmas parade coming up this Saturday, and it’s a great opportunity to get downtown, see people you haven’t seen in a while, discover new local businesses that may have popped up since you were there last and cheer on the marchers.

So in the event of good weather on Saturday night, dress warmly, head downtown and support all of your neighbors, local businesses, school marching bands and other community groups who will be celebrating the Christmas season in quite an exciting and nostalgic fashion.