Peanut documentary available on DVD

Published 10:09 pm Friday, January 3, 2020

By Sue Woodward

Special to the News-Herald

The Virginia Peanut story, which recently aired on WHRO public television, is now available on DVD. The 57-minute film was produced for Western Tidewater Virginia Heritage, Inc., a group of people, mostly historians, from Isle of Wight, Southampton, Surry and Sussex counties and the city of Suffolk. People from all of these municipalities are featured in the film.

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The DVDs are available at Windsor Hardware, Johnson’s Nursery, Suffolk Visitor Center, Riddick’s Folly, the Planters Peanut Store downtown and at ProMedia on Bennett’s Pasture Road. They are also featured at various sites in Surry, Wakefield, Courtland, Franklin and Boykins. They sell for $20 but may also be ordered for $25, which includes postage, from Western Tidewater VA Heritage, Inc. care of Lynda Updike, 33335 Statesville Road, Newsoms, VA 23874.  She can be reached at 654-6785.