Good ideas and God ideas

Published 9:21 pm Wednesday, January 22, 2020

By QuaWanna Bannarbie

Inventions are good ideas. The creation of the IBM personal computer helped to establish a multi-billion-dollar industry. Since the mid-1970s, my generation has watched the evolution of personal computers from large monitors, a hard drive with accompanying accessories to portable, compact laptops that easily slide into a crossbody bag. Companies like Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics continue to prove that they can make the computer better with newer versions of what they have said is their best just the year before. It is mind-blowing that this idea of a personal computer was all the rage in the 1970s but yet we still keep perfecting it with newer bells and whistles. It is the same with telephones, cars, houses and planes. Everything that man creates continues to be improved upon. Funny how the perfect creation cannot create a perfect, man-made thing.

Every human being is an idea that began in the mind of our Heavenly Father. Although our outer frames may differ in sizes, shapes, colors and textures, you don’t find different versions of mankind walking around. Has a 40-year-old Human A10s with two noses and four legs ever sat across from you on the bus? No.

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God has not trademarked any archived models of man. He made us perfectly because He fashioned us after Himself. We are not just a good idea. We are a God idea, and that makes us pretty perfect. An idea can be defined as a standard of perfection. In the case of God’s work, His ideas most certainly are the standard.

Psalm 139:14 is one of my favorite scriptures to speak as a personal affirmation. It reads, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” These are the words of King David. Whenever I hear or speak this scripture, I happen to believe that David had a revelation of what it meant to be God’s workmanship and to exhibit God in the earth. I believe God’s conversations with David were much like a father affirming his son. I can just imagine God saying to David, “You are my best work,” during those long hours he was watching the sheep.

We should know full well that we are not just some highly complex system that will never be duplicated. We are the marvelous works of one to whom there is no other suitable competitor. In order to compete with a God idea like us, there would first have to be a competitor who knows how to recreate a human. There may be robots that function like we do, but you will never find any other that can do what you do.

How can you not look in the mirror and smile back at yourself? How can you not believe that you are a work of art and genius? How can you even think to harm something so exclusive that He made you distinctly unique down to your fingerprints? You and I truly are the masterpieces of a master in every aspect of the word.

What is so beautiful about being the work of God is that He didn’t design us never to touch us again. Much like the inventions that formulate in our limited minds, God attends to the details of every one of us. Yet unlike most abandoned ideas, God remains with us. The computer is sold, and its inventor replaces it with some newer design. But God, our designer, is forever concerned about our development and our maturity because we are His best work. You better believe it. You are a God idea, and that makes you a firmly established, precious commodity.


QuaWanna Bannarbie is an adjunct professor of nonprofit leadership and management with Indiana Wesleyan University, National and Global. Her children attend Suffolk Public Schools. Connect with her via or via Twitter @QNikki_Notes.