Email your suggestions for features

Published 8:47 pm Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Suffolk News-Herald is looking for suggestions from Suffolk readers for two new, bi-weekly features. One of these features answers common reader questions, and the other highlights someone who does their part in the Suffolk community. These two features will run on alternating Wednesdays.

The “You Asked” feature answers questions that readers have posed. For example, the first You Asked article, in the Jan. 22 edition, explained why trains sometimes stop and back up at railroad crossings in the city. This feature allows us to investigate all sorts of curiosities that Suffolk readers have spotted in their city.

The “Featured Volunteer” articles, on the other hand, is pretty self-explanatory. Our newsroom wants to put the spotlight on exceptional volunteers who help make a difference in Suffolk. The first volunteer to be highlighted by this new feature was Suffolk Humane Society volunteer Jasmine Parham, in this week’s Wednesday edition.

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Submit your own suggestions for “You Asked” questions and “Featured Volunteer” candidates. Consider anything you’ve seen in Suffolk that you think is curious, whether it’s a landmark you don’t recognize or a confusing city regulation, and also suggest people that you know spend their free time volunteering to make the city a better place.

Questions for “You Asked” and “Featured Volunteer” candidates may be submitted via email to Please submit your best questions and volunteers; we look forward to answering your questions and telling the stories of these impactful volunteers.