Condition of Highway 32 is disgusting

Published 10:25 pm Wednesday, February 19, 2020

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To the editor:

Describing the Highway 32 going to Virginia and coming from Virginia on both sides on a three-mile section: This torn-up and damaged section needs repaving. This road is horrible; not only that, it is downright dangerous. This road has been like that for a long time, at least 10 years.

My question is: why does Suffolk city not repave this road? Patching this road isn’t the answer. Suffolk wastes thousands of dollars doing that! We are tired traveling this horrible road from North Carolina to spend our money in Virginia when we have to travel on a torn-up, ridiculous road. This town should be ashamed of itself.

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Take the tour: Ride down this road, Highway 32, you will see how bad this road is. You will see how this road is not acceptable to us from North Carolina! I really don’t think Suffolk cares. This is a main road! Not a back road!

Thomas Braswell
