Permit granted for live entertainment at Bridgeport bar

Published 5:38 pm Friday, June 23, 2023

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City Council approved a conditional use permit to establish a bar and nightclub with live entertainment for Sojourn Fermentory, which is planned for 1400 Bridgeport Way, Suite 103.

The action came after a public hearing at Council’s Wednesday, June 21 meeting held at Council Chamber in City Hall. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the application at its May 16 meeting on a 7-1 vote.

Director of Planning and Development Kevin Wyne said that the floor area will contain a stage for performances by live bands in the adjacent seating area.

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“This is in conjunction with the restaurant brewery use, which is permitted by right in the zoning district and will occupy an existing constructed space. The suite is 9,248 square feet in total area,” Wyne said during the meeting. “The live entertainment would be permitted only indoors, and the standard hours would be limited to 10 p.m. on weeknights and 11 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. The applicant would be permitted six special events per year that would allow them to extend until midnight.”

There was no opposition to the ordinance during the public hearing. 

Suffolk citizen Tom Rein said he supports the conditional use permit, saying it is “a great thing for Suffolk.”

“Beyond the nightclub, I just want to say that I’m very impressed with the way that this mixed use facility has been developed,” Rein said in the hearing. “I live near here, not in this facility, but I think it is a great blueprint for what we should be looking at when we develop these types of neighborhoods moving forward.”

Councilman Roger Fawcett supported the ordinance as presented with its conditions, saying that the Bridgeport operation is a “vibrant, well-operated facility” with many amenities.

“This will bring an additional amenity to the north end, I think it’s a good project,” Fawcett said.

Council approved an ordinance for the conditional use permit on an 8-0 vote.