Sentara camp prepares next-gen healthcare workers

Published 5:07 pm Tuesday, July 11, 2023

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Suffolk middle schoolers are getting a head start as the next generation of healthcare workers this week during Sentara Obici Hospital’s career camp.

During the second day of the five-day camp running until July 14, Sentara staff provided students a tour of the halls, equipment and various working areas of the hospital where they learned basic hospital procedures. They also took part in demonstrations and hands-on training using medical equipment with the staff’s help. 

With a large list of qualified youth, each student was selected based on a personal essay as well as a recommendation from their teacher or guidance counselor.

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Sentara Team Coordinator of Volunteer Services Debbie Williams explained how the tour gives the students an exposure to healthcare to have a better understanding of healthcare if they consider going into a career in the field.
Registered nurse Karah Gibree said the five day camp shows students that if they choose to go into medicine when becoming adults, they have a variety of options to pick from.

“The goal is that you learn to do other things in healthcare than being a nurse or a doctor,” Gibree said. “There are different avenues.”

Career campers Jasper and Tahzhie provided their view of what it was like to be in the program. 

Jasper said that he is “rather excited and quite thrilled” to take part in the career camp. Tahzhie said she enjoyed learning about working the healthcare field.

“It was really fun,” she said. “It’s a real good experience and you get to learn about different things.”