Column – Unmasking the dangers of Green Colonialism

Published 5:07 pm Friday, July 28, 2023

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Currently, America is at a crucial juncture, facing important decisions that will lead us into uncharted territory. We have two options: either embrace green energy policies, leaving behind the outdated energy sources that have brought us this far, or continue using traditional energy while pursuing new initiatives and updating existing systems to make them more sustainable for our ecosystems.

It is disheartening that this choice is often dismissed as a conspiracy rather than being accepted as a valid dialogue. The majority of American citizens would like to find common ground on this issue, so what is the problem? 

The issue lies in the exploitation of climate change concerns by entities such as the United Nations and World Economic Forum, using it as a means to consolidate global industrial power. This practice, known as Green Colonialism, allows these global entities to infringe upon a country’s sovereignty through energy policies and control their economic growth. Without sustainable energy, a country cannot thrive economically.

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The harsh reality is that Green Colonialism pushes nations into poverty. Uganda’s President Museveni, in an article with the Wall Street Journal, expressed his concerns about what is happening in the region. He stated that “Africans have the right to access reliable, affordable energy, and doing so does not hinder the development of renewable sources on the continent. Forcing Africa down a single path will impede their fight against poverty.” 

Magatte Wade, a political leader from Senegal and Director of the African Center for Prosperity, also criticized the hypocrisy of European countries. She questioned why Africans are told they can’t use fossil fuels while Europeans still rely on them. She emphasized the need for access to reliable and affordable energy as a central requirement for prosperity. 

These voices reveal the unfortunate truth behind the climate change narrative and highlight the adverse impact it has on emerging nations. The U.S. should seriously reconsider its foreign policy regarding climate change as it is causing significant problems in these countries.

Green Colonialism is no longer hidden; countries are waking up to the manipulation of climate change policies used to control and hinder their economic growth. 

Americans must distance themselves from this approach as it does not reflect well on the U.S. The controlled media in America has concealed this information from its population, possibly due to some individuals in Washington favoring Europe over their own country or having foreign influences. 

This is known as Fifth Generation Warfare; for which the United Nations and European oligarchs are strategically battling within the U.S. to influence American statesmen. The consequences of the West’s actions have led Africa to become more involved with the BRICS economic alliance. In fact, South Africa is hosting the BRICS Summit this August, where a significant economic plan for the future will be declared. America needs to recognize the dangers of aligning closely with the United Nations and World Economic Forum’s climate policies, as it appears to be a trap. America should consider relations with BRICS. It would allow us to have closer ties with our neighbors. 

When it comes to our domestic policy, we should consider one crucial aspect. Before making changes to our infrastructure, we must ensure that the old systems are updated and functioning properly. Otherwise, we risk chaos by leaving the country in the dark during the transition. For example, when building a new house, it is wise not to sell the old one until you move into the new one. Otherwise, you may be left vulnerable without safety, structure, or a plan. However, it seems that the policy oligarchs’ intention may actually be to leave us vulnerable, as it would quickly solve their problems.


Drew Varner, a resident of Suffolk, is a researcher and writer.