Council visits ordinance for Constant’s North Park development

Published 6:05 pm Tuesday, November 7, 2023

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Suffolk City Council approved funding for the development of Constant’s North Park. 

During its Wednesday, Nov. 1 meeting, the Suffolk City Council accepted $665,193.27 from the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Land and Water Conservation Fund for renovating and developing two acres of land for Constant’s North Park. The funding will also allow Suffolk Parks and Recreation to increase public outdoor passive recreation opportunities for urban residents. City Manager Albert S. Moor II provided more details of the ordinance during his reading of the consent agenda.

“Adoption of the ordinance will increase the revenues [and] expenditures of the Capital’s Project Fund by $665,193.27,” Moor said. “A local match is required in the same amount which is available in [the] FY 2023-2024 Capital Fund Budget.”

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Development is projected to end on Sept. 30, 2026. Two other consent agendas were approved at the meeting: an ordinance to accept $28,188.85 in funding from the United States Department of Agriculture for the Summer Food Services Program also passed. The funds would help Suffolk Parks and Recreation to provide breakfast and lunch to children during the summer. 

An ordinance to transfer $923,548.48 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding from the 2600 Block East Washington Street Stormwater Improvements project to Bunch Avenue, Randolph Street, Marshall Avenue Stormwater Improvements project. It was determined by Suffolk Public Works that the Stormwater Improvements project was not feasible due to private utility conflicts and that Bunch Avenue needs stormwater drainage improvements. The ordinance saw an amendment following a printed typo.

The consent agendas were approved in a vote of 7-0. Council Member Timothy Johnson was unable to attend the council meeting.