Izaak Walton League of America Scholarships open for students

Published 10:00 am Friday, February 23, 2024

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The Suffolk-Nansemond Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America accepts scholarship applications for aspiring and current college students.

The chapter offers two $1,000 scholarships for students who have been accepted into or are currently attending an accredited college, university, or technical school pursuing an appropriate course of study related to conservation or the environment. Applications are due by April 1st.

William E. Ashley established the fund from a donation of Cornelia Spivey in memory of her husband, Vernon Spivey, who supported the IWLA’s goals and initiatives. The chapter’s scholarship committee will review all accepted applications to reach a consensus on the winning nomination(s) before the scholarship chairperson presents them to the chapter’s board of directors. Winners will be presented in June. 

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For more information, go to sniwla.org/sniwla/scholarships.