Traffic shift and speed limit reduction upcoming for Nansemond Parkway

Published 9:35 am Wednesday, June 5, 2024

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Suffolk Public Works announced via press release an upcoming traffic shift on Nansemond Parkway as part of the ongoing Nansemond Parkway / Wilroy Road Overpass Project. According to the release, the contractor has completed the new segment of Nansemond Parkway, linking it with Wilroy Road. This newly constructed section is set to open as early as June 8, 2024.

Phase two of the project, which involves building the overpass, will proceed with an expected completion date in the summer of 2025. Motorists are advised that the speed limit within the work zone will be reduced to 35 mph starting on June 8, 2024.

For more information, contact Public Works Engineering at (757) 514-7725, email, or visit

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