Chris Surber

What about the facts, ma’am?

I like facts. In fact, I like hard, tough, meaty facts with concrete evidence to back them.

Chris Surber

Rights for gays only?

Liberty Ridge Farm in New York was recently fined $13,000 for refusing to allow a same-sex wedding at ...

Chris Surber

Embracing global poverty

You can’t fix poverty. I can’t fix poverty.

Chris Surber

Why I left behind “Left Behind”

I used to be a card-carrying, Scofield Study Bible-using, J.N. Darby-quoting “premillennial dispensationalist.”

Chris Surber

The prosperity gospel is not the Gospel

On a recent broadcast of Joel Osteen’s wildly popular televised church service, his wife Victoria said: “When we ...

Chris Surber

Foolishly following the law of love

My family and I were in Haiti last week. We took a team of 27 people on a ...

Chris Surber

I’m tired of Christians

I have had enough. Take this as a letter of public resignation from the club. I’m out. I’m ...

Chris Surber

Don’t argue with fools

I have found that the less sound a man’s argument is, the more noise he makes. We are ...

Chris Surber

What a church isn’t

Churches today are dying, missing the mark, and falling into cultural obscurity, because we don’t know what the ...

Chris Surber

Here’s what a pastor isn’t

If it is true that everything rises and falls on leadership, then it is equally true that leadership ...

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