Latest Randy Forbes


Finding our nation’s way forward

When I first came to Washington, D.C., I kept finding myself getting turned around while driving through the ...


The price of political correctness

It was the end of the game. The spirited competition had concluded, the cheering faded to quiet, and ...


Why Hampton Roads matters to national security: A primer

82,000. That’s the number of military personnel — from all military services — who call Hampton Roads region ...


The Tenth Amendment: A linchpin

A power struggle. That’s what our Founding Fathers foresaw between individual states and our federal government. So in ...


Flags In: A reminder for Memorial Day

On the Thursday evening before Memorial Day, every available soldier in the U.S. Army’s Old Guard comes together ...


We must stand with Israel

I remember stepping onto the ground and lifting my face up to the warm sun. I remember walking ...


Visas: weapons in the hands of terrorists

To terrorists, travel documents are weapons. Family-based immigration visas, fiancé visas, and other documents required for entry into ...


Street signs and the Constitution

Along the Virginia Beach oceanfront, visitors and residents find their way to the sandy beaches, favorite restaurants, concerts, ...


How is the U.N. spending your money?

Do you know what your taxpayer dollars are funding at the United Nations?


Watching sandcastles wash away

Years ago, I was with my family at the beach, sitting several yards back from the water. Ahead ...

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