Latest Rex Alphin


Thanks to firefighters

These five words passed through the phone lines to my wife in August 1985. She instantly recognized them ...


Family is the foundation of society

There is within our society an institution whose influence is of such magnitude it has no rival.


Farewell after six years

I have had the grand privilege for the past six years of speaking to you, my community, through ...


The beginning of the end

We’ve been caressing these crops all year.


Beat to the punch

The idea came to me with such force just past midnight that only by willpower did I not ...


We are on your side, peanut

Having wandered amidst you these many years and seen firsthand the noble battle you have continually waged, we ...


All a matter of perspective

It was a structure built specifically to protect one from the elements and provide comfort for its inhabitants.


The cornfield rain dance

Okay, I would rather this not get around. Let’s keep it just between you and me, seeing as ...


Reducing life to math

We can measure the speed of the earth’s elliptical rotation around the sun and thus determine its exact ...


The old man and the pea

As he maneuvered his fork, Ed Harris realized the handle must be lifted higher for the front tines ...

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