Nansemonds should get what they want tribe

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 18, 2002

Columnist Robert Pocklington wrote recently about the efforts of Nansemond tribe to secure land for their proposed Indian village.

Pocklington suggested, in a nutshell, that the city needs to accommodate this request.

He’s absolutely correct and that’s why Suffolk City Council should be congratulated for finally moving on this project. Wednesday night council voted to establish a joint task force of city officials and tribal representatives to begin looking at feasible sites for Mattanock Town, a replica of the waterfront village where the tribe would have lived in the 17th century.

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They shouldn’t have to look far. The best place for the villages is where the tribe suggested – Lone Star Lakes, where its annual powwow is held. It has been suggested by city officials that the site be near Drive. Had the tribe been in Williamsburg, they might have suggested the recreated Jamestown settlement be located in Providence Forge.

There’s plenty of water in Suffolk for the city to build a marina, reportedly their intention for the site the tribe wants. The tribe is not asking for much and the city should do what is necessary to accommodate its request.