Vote no on sales tax increase
Published 12:00 am Friday, November 1, 2002
Editor, the News-Herald:
According to the Isle of Wight Planning Office, Isle of Wight County had 11,319 households in 1990. The Smithfield Times on 10-23-02 noted that if the sales tax increase passes, there would be about a $116 increase in taxes per median income household annually. That is an increase in taxes for county citizens of $1,313,004 per year, given those statistics. Contractors, developers, construction companies, quarries, bankers, lawyers and some politicians who make up the Yes Campaign have tried to sell this tax to the people.
Route 460 runs about six miles from the Suffolk line to Zuni. It is unfair for Isle of Wight taxpayers to pay over a million dollars a year in additional taxes to improve this or any other road. An Isle of Wight citizen should pay no more in sales tax than any other road Virginian.
Lastly, the Hampton Roads Planing District Commission, a committee of over 40 people, several of whom are not elected officials, should not manage billions of our dollars. The General Assembly should control sales tax monies. We should hold fast to our right to vote for who spends our money. Gov. Warner asked for a better way. Put tolls on roads for those who use them with reduced rates for working commuters. Raise the tax on cigarettes substantially.
Send the Yes campaign a message. Stop the overtaxing of the working class. Stop regional government. Vote No to the sales tax increase.
Lud Lorenzo Spivey
Windsor, Va.