Your votes will count Tuesday
Published 12:00 am Monday, November 4, 2002
In most recent presidential election, Americans realized their votes really do matter in the democratic process. Come Nov. 5, Virginians in particular will again learn the importance of their votes when it comes to deciding on an important issue.
To accept a tax or not to accept a tax, that will be the major question this Tuesday. This potential taxation with representation is intended strictly to improve the transportation system through the Commonwealth.
The fact that Virginia Governor Mark Warner came to little ol’ Suffolk highlights the need to make your opinion known at the polls.
Our thanks for the letters and guest columnists stating their cases for and, perhaps more interestingly, against the matter.
By the way, today is the last day to state your case publicly in the News-Herald. Save further comment for after Tuesday. Meanwhile, it’s just a matter of time to privately decide what you think is best for Suffolk and the rest of Virginia.