Still aways to go for meeting goal

Published 12:00 am Monday, December 23, 2002

We hate to sound like a broken record, but in this case an exception should be made: If you have not yet already contributed to the Cheer Fund, please do as quickly as possible. At present, $16,152.66 has been given by individuals, clubs, churches, and businesses, and $20,998.34 is needed to achieve the $37,151 goal.

Any amount is welcome; the nickels and dimes you save are as a valuable as a corporation’s big check.

All the money pays for news toys so that hundreds of underprivileged Suffolk children will have a Christmas to remember.

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No one gets so much as a penny for their efforts in the collection of money or gently used gifts gathered by the Toys for Tots program.

The Suffolk News-Herald is located at 130 S. Saratoga St. Our business office opens at 8 a.m. Monday, close at 5:30 p.m. and will be open from 8 to noon Tuesday. Call 539-3437 or 934-9615 for any questions.