City snowed in again

Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 23, 2003

Suffolk students on Thursday got their second unexpected day off school in less than a week after waking to find the city blanketed in snow.

Most of Suffolk received approximately 1-1/2 inches of snow early Thursday morning, said Capt. James T. Judkins, the city’s emergency services coordinator. The snow tapered off around 11:30 a.m.

Officer Michael E. Simpkins, spokesman for the Suffolk Police Department, said no major weather-related accidents occurred yesterday

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&uot;We’ve had a few fender-benders and cars slipping in ditches,&uot; Simpkins said. &uot;But no one has reported injuries of any significance.&uot;

The real problems will be created by the cold temperatures, Judkins said.

Temperatures, which reached a high of 20 degrees Thursday, were expected to dip down to 10 degrees overnight, with a wind chill factor of 5 degrees.

The frigid temperatures are going to slow the (ice) melting process, causing the roadways to remain treacherous, Judkins said.

Concerns over icy road conditions prompted the city to close at 3 p.m. Thursday.

Erin Gregg, spokesperson for the Virginia Department of Transportation, estimated that approximately 60 percent of the city’s main thoroughfares were clear by noon Thursday.

&uot;Since its stopped snowing, most of the main roads in the city should be clear by the end of the day,&uot; she said. &uot;…But people still can’t drive like they usually do.

&uot;Things could freeze at any time,&uot; she continued. &uot;Ice won’t really hinder out (VDOT’s) efforts …but there still may be some may be some rough spots.&uot;