Karate legend visits Suffolk school

Published 12:00 am Monday, February 10, 2003

Staff report

Tadashi Yamashita, the holder of a ninth degree black belt in karate, paid a visit to the Jeff Bateman School of Karate on Portsmouth Boulevard this past weekend to teach Bateman’s students (and instructors) some new skills at the martial art. Yamashita, who taught the late Bruce Lee the use of the nunchucku, is commonly accepted as one of the world’s leading experts on karate. &uot;To understand the concept of karate,&uot; explains Yamashita, &uot;think of a small spring of water. That is where you begin. As you practice and learn more, the spring grows to a pond, then to a lake, and finally to a large ocean.&uot; Right: Yamashita (front row, center) poses with several of Bateman’s &uot;black-belted&uot; instructors. Bateman’s center, which offers free introductory classes, can be reached at 934-6133.

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