Everyone’s opinion counts

Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 22, 2003

On Friday, our sports editor, Jason Norman, did his part for covering war issues that affect Suffolk. He spoke to Suffolk high school students in advanced placement government classes.

We hope you got a chance to read those opinions yesterday. They all had something to say that was thought out and intelligent.

The opinions of young people should never be dismissed lightly. For one thing, it’s rude to disrespect them, and second, they are people who will one day vote and shape the world we live in. Take heed.

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Events like war can have an impact on everyone in even the smallest way. So we should consider how such an event is shaping their thinking and, ultimately, their actions. Is it positive or negative? Are young people taking pride or shame in the United States of America? Do such actions breed political involvement or resignation to cynicism and despair?

We urge parents and teachers to speak with their children and students. Such discussions can prove reassuring when questions and fears are addressed.

Let us know your opinion on the war. You can see at the bottom of this page a directory of how to contact the newsroom personnel. We look forward to what you have to say and share with other readers in print and on line.