Kids peddle away for fun and funds

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 2, 2003

Suffolk News-Herald

Who would believe that a gaggle of children could raise $500 just by peddling their little trikes?

That’s exactly the amount raised by the 55 children who participated in the &uot;Trike-A-Thon&uot; sponsored by the Levi Solomon Plummer Learning Center.

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The event took place on the grounds of Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters, and proceeds will be used to fund cancer research at St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

Eunice Carrasco-Hill, center director of the learning center, kicked off the festivities and Trike-A-Thon with help from Sandy Gilluly, an officer of the Suffolk Police Department’s &uot;Bike Patrol Unit.&uot;

She and her partner, Officer Tom Phippins, are charged with the responsibility of patrolling the Downtown area of Suffolk on specially designed mountain bikes.

Hunter Cleghon, the 4-year- old ambassador for the 4th Annual Bring A Bike Day events led the parade of tricycles as youth from across Hampton Roads peddled their way to helping fund cancer research.

Parents also participated by making donations and many local businesses contributed with financial donations to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

The staff of the Levi Solomon Plummer Learning Center, Della Jones, Chris Parham, Yolanda Marquez, Rita Williams, Gail Thomas, Dorothy Chapman, Renay White, and Ann King also assisted with the events.