Body’s identity found
Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 5, 2003
Suffolk News-Herald
The identity of a man’s corpse found Tuesday in the Hollywood section has been established, said Suffolk Police Information Coordinator Mike Simpkins.
The body was that of Jerome Harden, 36, who – according to Simpkins late Thursday afternoon – was &uot;basically a homeless man,&uot; but had formerly lived in the 100 block of South Saratoga Street. Harden was known to have frequented the Hollywood/Vermont Avenue area where he found.
Simpkins said authorities learned the identify after an acquaintance came forward and turned over a wallet that Harden had left at his home a week ago.
From that a name was found, and it was discovered that had a wife in Richmond, a sister in Suffolk, and had been an Army veteran.
But the cause of death remains unknown.