Forbes names NRHS student as his page

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Suffolk News-Herald

Annie Gay, a 17-year old Korean/American student at Nansemond River High School, has been appointed by Congressman J. Randy Forbes to serve as a page in the &uot;House of Representatives Page Program. This is just the first stop on her way to a career in politics.

Gay is awaiting her application from Yale University where she plans to study humanities. She plans to become an embassy intern in her mother’s native land, Korea, and would later find her way back to Capitol Hill.

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While politics is now her strong suit, Gay hasn’t always been so enthralled by the political world.

&uot;I thought politics were boring until I began volunteering for Delegate Chris Jones and I’ve been working with him for three years now and learned a lot,&uot; she said. &uot;I also had the opportunity to attend a &uot;Presidential Classroom’ conference in Washington and during that week it was so exciting with speakers and cross fires between students.&uot;

Gay said there was a lot of preparation to attend that special conference since the students had to square off in debates over current news items.

&uot;I read the papers and found that I listened to a lot of AM talk radio,&uot; she said. &uot;I began to enjoy the political discussions and getting involved with the political debates in school.

Everyone in Washington, during that week, was truly friendly and helpful. I asked so many questions and they answered them all and I believe I have a place in Washington and politics.&uot;

While she’s up to her elbows in politics, Gay is a typical teen who loves to dance and watch comedies and action movies. Her favorite film is &uot;Braveheart,&uot; because it depicts so well the struggle to be free.

Annie is the daughter of William C. and Christina Gay of the Bennett’s Creek area of Suffolk.

Forbes appointed Gay to the page program after reviewing her exceptional resume, highlighting her strong GPA, honors and advanced placement classes, as well as her involvement in a variety of scholastic and extracurricular activities.

&uot;Annie is an energetic, well-rounded student who excels inside and outside the classroom,&uot; said Forbes. &uot;A leader in her school and community, Annie brings important talents and abilities to the House of Representatives Page Program.&uot;

The House Page Program is a highly competitive program offering high school students an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in politics.

Applicants submit grade transcripts, a resume of activities, an essay, and three letters of recommendation to their congressman. The application, along with a letter of support from their Member of Congress, is then submitted to a Page selection committee for review.

Gay is one of 77 Congressional Pages serving in the House this summer. Her duties include delivering correspondence, legislative material and information within the Capitol complex. She also helps prepare the House Floor for session, and works in the Members’ Cloakroom assisting Members of Congress.

Among her many activities, Gay is a member of the Nansemond River High soccer team and cheerleading squad, as well as a member of the yearbook staff and the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council. She is also found and president of her school’s Key Club, where she helped raise 2000 pounds of canned goods for the Norfolk Food Bank last year.

Gay is also the first student nominated by the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce for the Hampton Roads Leadership Program in 2002. She serves the Suffolk community in many ways, including volunteering at Obici Hospital and singing with the G-Cross Ministry Praise Team.

&uot;This experience has not only been unforgettable, but has given me an inside look at our government that is priceless,&uot; said Gay. &uot;Without the help of Congressman Forbes, this amazing blessing would not have taken place.&uot;

Forbes added that while textbooks offer in-depth understanding of how a bill becomes law, Annie now has the opportunity to see that legislative process at work.

&uot;I am proud to have Annie representing her hometown of Suffolk in Washington this summer,&uot; he said.