Property issues to dominate hearings
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Staff report
Six public hearings will be held during tonight’s Suffolk City Council meeting.
The council meets at 7 p.m. in the Municipal Building.
Scheduled public hearings include:
— Conditional Use Permit Request C2-03, submitted by William Verebely Jr. of William Verebely, and Associates, Architects, on behalf of New Paul’s Temple Holiness Church , property owner, for a large religious assembly;
— Conditional Use Permit Request C4-03 submitted by Michael Williams of Baron’s Pub Restaurant Inc. on behalf of Suffolk Tower, L.L.C., property owner, for live entertainment associated with a proposed restaurant/nightclub;
— Conditional Use Permit Request C8-03 submitted by Carter McCrowell Jr. of Boundary First, P.C. on behalf of Liberty Baptist Church, property owners, for a day care center;
— Ordinance Text Amendment, OA3-03, text amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance for the purpose of amending Chapter 31, Article 4, Zoning, Section 31-407, Dimensional and Density Regulations and Table 407-1;
— Rezoning Request, RZ8-03, (Conditional) submitted by Charles W. Blanchard, property owner, for a zoning change from O-I, Office-Institutional to B2, General Commercial (Conditional) for the construction of an express lube and oil center;
— A resolution declaring that a public necessity exists for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sanitary sewer system and for municipal purposes generally, in and on certain real estate owned by Berle Real Estate, L.L.C., and to authorize the taking of a portion of said real estate by condemnation.
Other items on the agenda include:
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Freedom of Information Act Certification
4. Special Presentations
A presentation by Mr. Clinton Jenkins and Boy Scout
Troop #51 of East End Baptist Church regarding the American Flag Booklet
A presentation regarding the Department of Public Utilities Divisions of Administration, Customer Service, and Engineering New Operating Facility
5. Consent Agenda – Approval of the minutes
6. Consent Agenda – An ordinance to accept and appropriate a grant award in the amount of $3,774 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U. S. Department of Justice, for the Bulletproof Vest Program
– Second Reading
7. Consent Agenda – An ordinance to accept and appropriate $250,000 from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Transportation for the East Washington Street Improvements Project – Second Reading
8. Consent Agenda – An ordinance to accept and appropriate a grant renewal in the amount of $181,639 from the Department of Criminal Justice Services for the Community Corrections Program and to appropriate $21,062 in local cash match from the Cities of Suffolk and Franklin and the Counties of Isle of Wight and Southampton – Second Reading
9. Consent Agenda – An ordinance to apply, accept and appropriate a grant in the amount of $181,775 for the 2003 United States
Department of Justice Office of Domestic Preparedness State Homeland Security Grant Program – First Reading
10. Consent Agenda – An ordinance to accept and appropriate a grant in the amount of $98,904 from the Department of Criminal Justice Services for offender services through the City of Suffolk’s partnership with STEP-UP Inc. – First Reading
11. Consent Agenda – An ordinance to accept and appropriate $15,179 of state funds received through the Asset Forfeiture Program for drug prosecution – First Reading
12. Consent Agenda – An ordinance to accept and appropriate donations to the City in the amount of $3,815 – First Reading
13. Consent Agenda – An ordinance to accept and appropriate $14,373 from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Transportation for their participation in repairing certain storm water drainage deficiencies – First Reading
14. Consent Agenda – An ordinance appropriating $40,000 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Fund to the Whaleyville Volunteer Fire Department for the replacement of a tanker truck – First Reading
15. Consent Agenda – An ordinance to accept and appropriate a grant in the amount of $13, 000 from the Virginia Department of Health Office of Emergency Medical Services Consolidated Grants Program for the purchase of two cardiac monitors and to appropriate $13,000 in local cash match – First Reading
16. Consent Agenda – An ordinance to accept and appropriate a grant in the amount of $5,000 from the Department of Criminal Justice Services for the one time special request fund and to appropriate $1,667 in local cash match
– First Reading
17. Consent Agenda – A resolution to approve a Mutual Aid Agreement among the Cities of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Williamsburg, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Virginia Beach; the County of James City; the Sheriff of the County of York; and the Town of Smithfield
18. Consent Agenda – A resolution to approve the Western Tidewater Community Services Board’s Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Performance Contract
19. Consent Agenda – A resolution amending the agreement of the member jurisdictions of the Western Tidewater Regional Jail Authority of Nov. 1, 1990
20. Consent Agenda – A resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease agreement for communication equipment
21. Consent Agenda – A resolution requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation to include Cripple Creek Lane, and Walnut Park Drive in the Cypress Farms Subdivision, Section 3, for Street Acceptance in the State Secondary Road System
22. Consent Agenda – A resolution authorizing the City Manager to amend the Nansemond Parkway Northeast Water and Sanitary Sewer Extension Project Engineering Agreement
23. Motion – Establish a Work Session for 4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 3, unless canceled.
24. Motion – Cancellation of the Sept. 17, 2003, City Council Meeting and scheduling of the City Council Retreat