School Board states goals for the year
Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 24, 2003
— To assure that 100 percent of schools will meet or exceed the Virginia standards of Accreditation by 2004, showing
yearly improvement in all areas as measured by student performance on the Standards of Learning (SOL) tests in mathematics, science, English, history/social studies, and technology
— To monitor and refine alternative education program options with a focus on development of a daytime program to serve as an alternative to long-term suspension, the implementation of an elementary In School Suspension
program, and the re-structuring of Turlington Woods School to utilize maximum capacity
— To develop a 6-Year Strategic Plan for the school division that also includes biennial plans for the individual schools
— To ensure a school environment that facilitates successful and pleasant school experiences for students, parents, teachers and staff
— To identify and implement programs which encourage higher achievement for all students