Time to collect for Cheer Fund
Published 12:00 am Sunday, November 9, 2003
Hurricane Isabel certainly did a number on us, and because of the hardships many families endured, Christmas is most likely going to be less bountiful than in the past. Those on the lower economic rung will especially feel the pinch – painfully. Here at the Suffolk News-Herald, the staff is gearing up with other concerned citizens to help remedy that situation through the annual collection of money – The Cheer Fund – and gifts, Toys for Tots.
The target amount this year is $40,000, which will help buy new toys for 1,680 (to be precise) underprivileged local children.
William Ashley, who will be coordinating the Cheer Fund again, is confident Suffolkians will come through.
And so are we, which is part of the reason why the News-Herald continues its part in the community project. After all, almost all of the staff is lives in Suffolk. Plus, we all know so many of you and the generosity of which you are capable.
Of course, there’ll be collections for new and gently used toys, but it’s our part at the paper to collect the money to pay for the new ones at toy warehouses.
The Cheer Fund campaign progress will be marked with stories from staff writers Barbara Allen and Evelyn Wall. They’ll focus on events and those volunteers who make possible coordinating such a tremendous challenge.
Anyone who would like to contribute to Cheer Fund may do so by sending checks to the Suffolk News-Herald Cheer Fund, P.O. Box 1220, Suffolk, Va., 23434, or you may stop by the office at 130 South Saratoga Street. For more information on the Cheer Fund, call Barbara Allen at 934-9617 or Evelyn Wall at 934-9615.