League makes annual holiday contributions

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Suffolk News-Herald

The East Suffolk Federated Civic League made several donations to charitable organizations recently, and one of them was to the Suffolk Shelter for the Homeless.

Terry Miller, executive director now for three years, said the donation made her very appreciative and happy because it demonstrated that more people are learning about the place.

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&uot;We have room for 36 people and now have 18 people and 11 children living here,&uot; she said.

Johnnie Edwards, league president, contributed five boxes of canned goods to the shelter on behalf of the league, which includes five additional leagues – Lake Kennedy, East Suffolk Gardens, South Suffolk, Hollywood, and Oakdale-Pierce Park.

Money and canned good were collected from the result of basketball single elimination tournaments that were played Nov. 22, 24, 25 and 26.

Participating were six adult teams and eight youth teams ranging from ages 13-16 and two teams ranging from the ages of 9-12.

Those who attended were required to pay $1 or bring a canned good. Athletes participating in the tournament came from the East End section of Suffolk.

According to William Goodman, president of the East Suffolk Gardens Civic League, the tournament was begun for the purpose of raising money for the Suffolk Rescue Squad and Salvation Army. Therefore, the Salvation Army also received four boxes and the Stop Organization received two boxes of canned goods.

&uot;The Rescue Squad will receive a donation of $100 from us in January. We randomly divide donations to the organizations that have the largest distribution to the public, which are the Salvation Army and Suffolk Rescue Squad. The ESGFCL also serves as an advisory board to the Stop Organization which has its own food closet,&uot; said Goodman.