Cheer Fund makes biggest leap forward
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Suffolk News-Herald
This week we have received the biggest amount of donations to be collected in a week’s time – $5,881.32. We employees here at the News-Herald would like to thank the Rawls family and John Yeates Middle School for giving the fund a gigantic boost to put the fund past the $10,000 mark. However, the smaller donations are appreciated also.
As previously stated, no amount is too large or too small to make a difference in the 1,686 children’s lives that we are obligated to this year. We have no words to express how grateful we are for your tireless efforts that will cause these children to have a good Christmas.
You are no doubt making our community a better place to live. But let’s not get too comfortable with these figures, Christmas is fast approaching and we still need to raise $26,855.85 to reach our 2003 goal of $40,000.
Simply stop by the office at 130 S. Saratoga Street, or mail your tax-exempt contribution to Suffolk News-Herald, P.O. Box 1220, Suffolk, Va. 23439
Balance brought forward: $7,262.83
Fahocha Club: In memory of Elna Taylor, Ada Hinton, Mary Hall, Dollie Blizzard, Lessie Hyman and Maggie Carey: $50
In memory of Malcolm Daniels- from a friend: $25
In memory of J. Lewis Rawls, Jr. and Lawrence E. Blanchard Jr.: $750
Mike Duman Auto Sales Inc. donated in memory of Natalie Duman, Maxwell Efied and Larry Garland: $500
QVC: $3,500
Lake Prince Center: $50
Gail & Richard Najarian: $25
Suffolk Alignment & Automotive Specialists Inc: $100
John Yeates Middle School: $881.32
Total for Sunday, Dec. 14: $5,881.32
Total to Date: $13,144.15