Couple honored for holiday decorations; league installs officers

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Suffolk News-Herald

Three awards in the form of gift certificates were presented to residents of East Suffolk Gardens at the January meeting of the civic league, for their display of the best Christmas decorations during the holiday season.

The First Prize gift certificate for $15 was awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Whitney of 1116 Truman Road; Second Prize gift certificate for $10 went to Catherine Porter at 1102 Custis Road; Third Prize gift certificate for $5 went to Mr. and Mrs. JohnnieWilliams at 1118 Custis Road. Councilman Charles Brown made the presentations.

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Guidelines were that decorations were to be neatly displayed and not overdone with an emphasis on scenes symbolic of the spirit of Christmas.

New officers were also elected for the year 2004. They are as follows:

William H. Goodman, president; Bobby Knight, vice president; Willie Anderson, secretary; Vernice Walston, asst. secretary; Leon Goodman, treasurer; and Robert Anderson, chaplain. Brown installed the officers.

Goodman is asking any resident of East Suffolk Gardens who is interested in serving on a committee to contact him at 539-0726.